Pioneering Past and Bright of Impactful Research and Scholarly Achievements

“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 81 marginalized in Jamaica with reports indicating that youth unemployment is approximately 80% and this is due in part to deaf students not understanding English. Administrators and teachers have indicated that a major problem that the community has in acquiring English literacy is the absence of the use of prepositions. U-Touch-2 was developed to address this problem. In addition to the development and testing of the software the project included upgrading the network infrastructure for Lister Mair Gilby (LMG) School for the Deaf to provide wireless access across the entire campus and the allocation of tablets to all students and academic staff. There is an ongoing impact assessment on the use of ICT at the school and as a consequence of this project The College of Business and Management (COBAM) has matriculated the first profoundly deaf student into the University in 2016.