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“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 78 Technotherapy Induced Gain after a Stroke: A Case Study on Post-Acute Patients This research presents the outcome of using computer technology for functional gains after a stroke assault. Patients with stroke typically suffer dysfunctions that impair many body complex set of motions one of which is walking. Developing economies are faced with limited amount of therapy and resources offered by their health care systems to provide the frequency and intensity of training needed for functional recovery of the walking skills in patients following stroke assaults. This research investigated a non-traditional intervention technique using computer technology (called technotherapy) as an alternative method capable of providing the frequency and intensity needed for improving the walking skills in post-acute stroke patients. The research work was able to show the usefulness of computer technology in therapeutic rehabilitation directed towards lower-extremity controls, i.e., functional recovery or improvements of the lower limbs in post- acute stroke patients. The results obtained showed deficiencies in the patients’ cadence and gait speed prior to the Technotherapy intervention and significant improvements towards published normal vales after the intervention, which was physically observed in them walking better. The study shows some promising results which can contribute to the current effort to provide wider access to therapeutic intervention techniquesforpost-acutestrokepatients.Researchersandprofessionals in the fields of rehabilitation engineering, physical therapy, physiology, and other fields concerned with the study of human movement, could find the outcome of this work useful in improving their professional practice. Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) has been cited as the third Felix Akinladejo Faculty of Engineering & Computing Felix Akinladejo Using Computer-Based Technology to Help Stroke Victims! Editor’s Note: Stroke can be a debilitating disease. In this piece of research, UTech ICT Specialist, Associate Professor Felix Akinladejo, integrates computer technology for therapeutic rehabilitation of stroke victims. The article below describes the results of this innovative research.