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“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 65 Prevalence of Marijuana Usage and its Effect on Academic Performance Among Local University Students This study examines the prevalence of marijuana usage among the student population and its effect on the academic performance of the students. Among the respondents it was determined that marijuana usage had a negative effect on the academic performance of the students. From the study conducted it was noted that the majority of non-users maintained a good GPA (2.7-3.6). However, an overall decrease was seen in Grade Point Average (GPA), among marijuana users. The GPA from 23 (74.2%) respondents fell within 2.7-3.6 in first year, 18 (58.1%), 1.7-2.6 in second year and a further decrease to 14 (45.2%) in the third year, although the GPA range was similar to the second year. The results suggest that the use marijuana affects the ability and thought process of students to study. The age distribution of marijuana users were between 17-41 years, however, majority of marijuana users fell within the 17-26 years old age range. In addition, more males use the substance that females and heavy marijuana users were noted to be the most affected, 50%, in terms of their ability to study. Sonia Richards- Malcolm Editor’s Note: This research was published in the Journal of Arts Science and Technology Vol. 4 (Suppl. 1):16 Sonia Richards- Malcolm