Pioneering Past and Bright of Impactful Research and Scholarly Achievements

“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 40 The Researchers are positing that if the applicable laws in Jamaica are amended, then Jamaica could over a five-year period realize a two (2) per cent increase in the number of tourists from the USA, thereby earning in excess of US 17 Million dollars. The Researchers are therefore calling for a multi-sector taskforce to be established for a three month period to look at all the issues and examine further the implementation of offering dog friendly hotels and other facilities. It is also being recommended that the activities for this taskforce be funded by the TEF. From left: Dr. Carey Wallace, Executive Director, Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), Mr Nigel Cooper and Mrs. Deanna Marchalleck, Programme Directors, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM) and Dr. Gaunette Sinclair-Maragh, Head of School, SHTM exchange ideas following the presentation of research findings of a feasibility study on “Allowing Tourists to be accompanied by their Pet Dogs while Vacationing in Jamaica” presented by researchers Mr Cooper and Mrs. Marchalleck held Friday, April 7, 2017 at Wexford Hotel in Montego Bay.