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“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 123 “You can either respond voluntarily, or we, as Government, can respond to the needs of the country through appropriate policy prescriptions,” Mr Shaw said at a UTech scientific symposium. “... Set the example. Don’t wait for the tax axe to force you to do it.” Noticeably, Dr Tufton, who spoke at the same function and who pointed to a 40 per cent increase in soft drink sales in Jamaica in each of the past two years, didn’t offer his desired approach. This newspaper, however, would prefer a clear and enforceable policy from the Government, that is to say, the application of a tax. While we know and respect the virtues of private enterprise, sugar content in products and the enforcement thereof, which is emerging as the public-health issue of our time - with a profound impact on children - shouldn’t be left to individual whim or an honour system. Taxation, especially if the cost is passed on to consumers, is the best tool to influence consumption. The Government must urgently publish a Green Paper on the matter as a basis for deeper discussion.”