Pioneering Past and Bright of Impactful Research and Scholarly Achievements

“EXCELLENCE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE” P A G E 114 “When we have the animation done we are able to do a little more playing around and see what can actually fit into the package. So what we want is a compact thing, but we want to fit other things in there to make the living space more comfortable,” Reid said. He said while the design can accommodate beds up to a king size, the focus, for now, is on dormitories and small rooms. “We were particularly looking at what was happening in the university environment. Because when we went into some of these homes and we saw what was there and the limited space we wanted to create something that would help persons to have more space, because if you have a little more space it’s good for learning,” Reid said. “We are always on the lookout to see how particular projects can add value and also what kind of income potential they will have for the university and the persons involved,” he said.