Scholarship is offered through a Graduate Research Scholarship
Programme for recent top graduates to pursue graduate research
degrees, and funding support is provided through Graduate
Assistantships for candidates enrolled in taught graduate courses.
It is expected that students pursuing research degrees should be
sponsored by an end user of the likely outcome of the research
Graduate Research Scholarship Programme
The Graduate Research Scholarship Programme makes allowances
for the waiver of two MPhil and one PhD candidates’ tuition fees or
three research candidates per College/Faculty. Candidates awarded
the scholarship will be engaged as laboratory demonstrators, tutorial
assistants and/or research assistants in their area of research focus
in the College/Faculty in which they are pursuing graduate research.
Graduate Assistantships
A Graduate Assistantship is a temporary, junior academic
appointment of a fixed-term involving responsibilities of assisting
faculty in teaching, research and administrative services.
Application procedure
Candidates are nominated by their respective College/Faculty for
both the Graduate Research Scholarship Programme and the
Graduate Assistantships.
• Graduate Research Scholarship Programme
Nominations should be submitted before July, 31 for the August
intake and November 30 for January intake.
• Graduate Assistantships
Nominations are accepted at the beginning of the academic year
for the taught graduate course.
Additional information on these programmes can be obtained from
the School of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship
or at:
The University offers the opportunity for individuals to pursue higher
degrees by research based on specific interests. Research degrees
are designed to foster explicit links between research and
professional practice and development. A framework is provided
where specific taught elements appropriate to graduate study are
combined with a substantial piece of original research. Research
students will be given the opportunity to work with individuals who
are at the forefront in research in their field of interest.
For further information or an informal discussion of research
opportunities available in a particular subject area please
contact the:
School of Graduate Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship
University of Technology, Jamaica
237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6, JAMAICA
Tel: (876) 927-1680-8 exts: 3139 / 3209
Fax: (876) 970-3149
during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.,
Monday - Friday