
UTech. Ja Thrives at 65: Forging Technological Innovation. Driving Development University of Technology, Jamaica ACADEMIC STAFF PROMOTIONS TO THE RANK OF PROFESSOR (cont'd) She served as a member of the Standard Committee for the JS359 2022, Jamaican Standard Specification for Telemedicine at the Bureau of Standards, Jamaica (BSJ), representing the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM), and all Medical Technologists in Jamaica. The work was completed and gazetted by the government of Jamaica in March 2022. Prior to that, in 2021, she served as a member of the Standard Committee, BSJ for Pharmacy Technician Education with National Council on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NCTVET). The work was completed in 2021. At the University of Technology, Jamaica, she served as the Chair of the UniversityProcurementCommittee,HeadofContinuingEducation& Professional Development,CoardinatorforGraduateStudies,ResearchandEntrepreneurship, COHS Ethics Committee, COHS Representative on the University Ethics Committee, BoardMember ofthe Faculty ofScience and Sports andResearch Coordinator, Research Tutor, and Supervisor for the COHS, College of Business and Management (COBAM) and the Joint Colleges of Medicine, Oral Health, and Veterinary Sciences. She has supervised more than 250 research projects and published more than 50 peer reviewed conference papers and applied research articles in peer reviewed impact journals on Dengue, Blood Groups, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and Chikungunya Virus, Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Stem Cells, Muscle Ageing, Marijuana, COVID-19 Virus, and Blood Donations. Other research collaborations include breastfeeding friendly workplace, introduction of pharmacists' prescribing to Jamaica. She is actively awaiting several additional research publications (in press) and continues to work on other research projects and consultancies involving health policy, public policy, ethics, stem cells, clinical laboratory sciences, education, and human resources management. Dr. Richards-Malcolm served as the Chairperson for the Caribbean Association of Medical Technologists (CASMET), Jamaica Branch from 2008 to 2018. She received numerous awards for her sterling contribution to the profession, both at the regional (Regional Executive Council) and local (Jamaica Branch) levels: Regional Executive Council • 2017-Outstanding Service to the Regional Executive Council Vice President Award for 2015-2017 • 2015-Outstanding Service to the Regional Executive Council Vice President Award for 2013-2015 • 2013-Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for 2011-2013 • 2013-Outstanding Service to the Regional Executive Council as Public Relations Officer Award for 2011-2013 • 2011-Medical Technologist of the Region Biennium for 2009-2011 Jamaica Branch • 2010-Medical Technologist of the Year for 2009 • 2010-Biomedical Award of Excellence for 2009 • 2010-Annette Spence Memorial Award for 2009 • 2010-0utstanding Academic Achievement Award for 2007-2009