Presentation of Graduates - Class of 2023

THE MACE OF KNOWLEDGE symbolizes the power of knowledge as the path to progress and a weapon against ignorance. The Mace is made of silver symbolizing light and Lignum vitae wood symbolizing our heritage. The five polished silver fingers or petals that form the crown, cradle the inner sphere (Lignum vitae), the sphere of knowledge of the University. They are of equal strength and significance and represent the use of the five senses, which contribute to the expansion of universal knowledge, represented by the larger silver sphere. The openness of this sphere signifies the infinite nature of knowledge. The crown, which is supported by a wooden staff, made of Lignum vitae wood is mounted on three discs, representing mind, soul and body and the levels of education – basic, primary, secondary and tertiary, in Jamaica. Silver bands in the middle and at both ends encircle the staff. The Lignum vitae flower, which forms part of the Arms, is engraved on the middle band. The Mace was designed by Basil Watson and constructed by him in collaboration with Garth Sanguinetti. 7 The Mace