UTech Annual Report 2019-20

University of Technology, Jamaica 97 Prime Ministers and Governors General of Jamaica, internationally renowned academics and cultural icons. Advertising A total of fifteen million, eight hundred and ten thousand, three hundred and ninety-five dollars ($15,867,000) was spent on advertising. Electronic & Print A total of one hundred and twenty (120) print advertisements were booked for the period, of which eighty-one (81) were designed in the Marketing Dept. Electronic advertisements booked includes four (4) Outside Radio Broadcasts, one hundred and ninety-five (195) Radio spots (30 seconds) and fourteen (14) TV Spots. Online Advertising y Impressions (Reach) – two million, seven hundred and seventy-one thousand, five hundred and fortytwo (2,771,542) y Click Through (Visitors to website) – fifteen thousand, nine hundred and eight (15,908) Outdoor Advertising Outdoor advertising was employed at the following locations – Papine Campus, Old Hope Road, Half Way Tree, Liguanea and the Rose Hall Main Road in Montego Bay, St. James. Fig. 1: Pie chart shows 51% expenditure was applied to print media. Social Media There was a twenty-one percent (21%) increase in subscribers on all the social media platforms the University utilizes. The breakdown of the increase is: y Facebook – 5.4% (up from 30,106 to 31,757) y Twitter – 23% (up from 5,249 to 6,473) y Instagram – 81.5% (up from 8,109 to 14,747) Posing in front of the newly unveiled Distinguished Visitors Mural at the entrance of the Shared Facilities Building, from left are Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD, President, University of Technology, Jamaica, Professor Colin Gyles, Deputy President, Mrs. Genefa Hibbert, Chief Operations and Projects Officer, Mrs Mercedes Deane, University Registrar, Mrs. Carla Seaga, widow of late former Prime Minister and Chancellor, the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, ON, PC and Ambassador the Honourable Burchell Whiteman, OJ, former Minister of Education and former Acting President, UTech, Jamaica. 16% 20% 53% 5% 6% Advertising Expenditure Breakdown Digital/Online Outdoor Print Radio Television Fig. 1: Pie chart shows 51% expenditure was applied to print media. Social Media There was a twenty-one percent (21%) increase in subscribers on all the social media platforms the University utilizes. The breakdown of the increase is:  Facebook – 5.4% (up from 30,106 to 31,757)  Twitter – 23% (up from 5,249 to 6,473)  Instagram – 81.5% (up from 8,109 to 14,747)  Linkedin – 19.5% (up from 22,126 to 26,539)  Youtube - 156% (up from 61 to 156)