UTech Annual Report 2019-20

University of Technology, Jamaica 54 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Cont’d. Business Model Competition College of Business and Management student innovators Kadi Mundell, Sade Anita Barnett, Shannell Bailey and Abigail Scarlette of the of team K.A.S.S Innovators raised the first place trophy in the 7th annual UTech, Jamaica Business Model Competition (BMC) on February 14, 2020 for their inventive presentation of a cost-saving soap making device, which allows for slivers of used soap to be compressed into a new bar, thus decreasing waste and increasing savings. For their innovation, K.A.S.S. Innovators were awarded the cash prize of $400,000.00 and secured their place in the National Business Model Competition (NBMC). The team emerged winners following the final presentations from a field of seven finalist teams. Special Events Professor Girjanauth Boodraj, appointed Professor of Economics in the College of Business and Management, delivered his inaugural Professorial lecture titled, “Promoting Economic Development through Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)” to a capacity audience on February 13, 2020 at the Shared Facilities Building, Papine Campus. Professor Boodraj who is the current team lead for the research and publication of the Global Entrepreneur Monitor (GEM) Jamaica Report and who has an extensive body of publications in Economics and Statistics, shared aspects and recommendations of the GEM 2016/17 Jamaica Report. Community Service y The staff of the School of Business Administration (SOBA) embarked on a “Labour of Love” on Labour Day, May 23, 2019. The SOBA staff gave a face lift to Winners of the 2020 UTech, Jamaica Business Model Competition, team K.A.S.S Innovators from left: Kadi Mundell, Shannell Bailey and Abigail Scarlette pose with their winning plaques and their mentor/lecturer, Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Leadership (JDSEEL), College of Business and Management, Mr Frederick Mills at the finals of the Competition held Friday, February 14, 2020 at the Technology Innovation Centre, UTech, Jamaica Papine Campus.