UTech Annual Report 2019-20

University of Technology, Jamaica 107 Figure 2 is a representation of the total number of staff and students to whom the nurses at the Medical Centre administered care for the year under review. The service category with the highest frequency is nursing care. Walk-ins holds the second highest number with personal accidents third, emergencies fourth and diabetic education fifth. Grief Counselling Two grief counseling sessions were conducted in January, one on the 22nd and one on the 23rd by the Counselling Unit and supported by the Health Services Manager. Health Education Activities The Medical Centre engaged in various activities, trainings and health education sessions as part of its responsibility to the University. Staff Health Cervical Cancer Screening The South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) contacted the UTech, Jamaica Medical Centre in an effort to action a mandate of the Ministry of Health to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in women across Jamaica. They proposed to offer free Pap smear screening to the University populous from February 12 – 14, 2019. The Medical Centre reserved two locations for the testing; Doctor Room 3 in the Medical Centre and the Wellness Unit at the College of Health Science. The screening exercise was a major success as total on one hundred and twenty-three students and staff availed themselves of the opportunity. Participants were contacted in May to collect their results. Figure 3.6 Preventative Health Screening Mrs. Heather White met with Ms. June Bryan, Supervisor form BioMedical Caledonia Laboratory Ltd., in January to discuss a proposed wellness initiative for period February 18-28, 2019 which would see UTech, Ja. staff members getting an additional 10% discount for an executive profile evaluation. The proposal was agreed upon and was executed in the time frame identified above. A total of thirty-five (35) staff members completed executive profiles under this initiative at the Papine location. Ms. R. Bryan, Sagicor Representative, met with the Medical Centre staff on Friday, March 15, 2019 to present on the insurance coverage offerings of Sagicor Life Jamaica. Entry Medicals The work schedule at the Medical Centre was adjusted in August and September to facilitate the completion of student entry medicals. BioMedical Laboratory, working in conjunction with this effort, agreed to extend its operations to specific Saturdays and to assign an additional Phlebotomist upon the request of the Medical Centre Health Services Manager. Operational Enhancement 1.The Medical Centre procured an emergency evacuation stair stretcher in 2019. Stair stretchers are ideal when emergency professionals have to transfer patients up and down stairways. This enables the Medical Centre team to better respond to emergencies that have occurred above the ground level of buildings across the University Campus. 2.Colour coding of files for patients with particular diagnoses has started. Diabetic Education There was collaboration with Dr. Andrea Daly and Dr. Eugenie Brown-Myrie from the College of Health Sciences in offering diabetic education to the University’s staff and students. Date Number of Patients Medical Centre COHS Wellness Unit February 12, 2019 22 18 February 13, 2019 33 20 February 14, 2019 18 12 Total 73 50 Grand Total 123