UTech Annual Report 2018-19

Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 73 Exhibitions The Faculty hosted the following exhibitions during the reporting period: • Alison West-Martin (2018): “An Artist’s Impressions of the city of Havana” held January 11, 2019. • Denice O. Ramharrack Research and Publications List (2018): Photographic Exhibition-Celebrating Photography including “Wings of Gaia” Jamaica Cultural Development Commission and the Jamaica Photography Society, Jamaica Conference Centre, Port Royal Street, November 1st to February 28th 2019. • The annual CSA End of Year Exhibition was held April- May 2018. Local and International Linkages Safe Schools Project • The Faculty is executing the final stage of consultation on the Jamaica Safe Schools project, which has developed an infrastructural database for all public schools in Jamaica. This is to be used by the government to guide decisions about disaster risk management in public schools. The project was funded by the World Bank in the amount of US$210,000. Memoranda of Understanding UTech, Jamaica through the Faculty of The Built Environment signed several Memoranda of Understanding during the reporting period. These were with the following entities: Urban Development Corporation (UDC), Inter-American Institute for Corporation on Agriculture (IICA), Association of Commonwealth Societies of Architects (ACSAC) and the Bureau of Standards, Jamaica. Architect Gordon Gill, FAIA delivering the University of Technology, Jamaica Ruskin PunchMemorial Lecture on “The Common Sense of Performance Architecture,” on October 11, 2018 to a capacity audience at LT50, Shared Facilities Building, UTech, Jamaica Papine Campus. FOBE hosted a public forum titled Epidemiological Considerations for Hospital Architectural Designs at the Faculty on May 24, 2018. The main presenters was Prof. Winston Davidson (2ND left), Public Health Specialist along with Architect Marvin Goodman (3rd left). The forumwas moderated by Mr. Laurence Neufville (left), Head, School of Building and Land Management and hosted by Dr. Garfield Young (right), Dean.