UTech Annual Report 2018-19

Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 66 Faculty of Engineering and Computing Cont’d. expectations under the initiative medium to long term is to also explore proof of concept laboratories that will integrate with the traditional curriculum, as well as to develop applied research arising from these virtual labs. Members of staff were introduced to the use of SAP – an industry based relational software for building sustainable applications for the enterprise. World Bank Tour of Animation Labs World Bank Vice President for the Caribbean and Latin America, Mr Jorge Familiar accompanied by a delegation, visited the Digital Animation Lab at UTech, Jamaica’s Papine Campus on November 8, 2018. During his visit he reviewed first-hand, the results of the YEDAI Project implementation at the Campus and interacted with Animation students as well as members of faculty. Internship Fair The 3rd SCIT Internship Fair was held on November 16, 2018 in the Alfred Sangster Auditorium. Eleven companies were represented. RealDecoy/UTech UX Lab On January 31, 2019, the School of Computing launched a teaching and learning virtual laboratory that exposed students to industry trends in intelligent user system interactions. The industry standards used for supporting the technologies and services from the lab is Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. Real Decoy a local Canadian Business technology Signing of MoU with Elhydro Inc. Nicholas Wellington, (seated) final year BSc in Animation Production and Development student in the School of Computing and Information Technology (SCIT), along with (from left) Mr Jorge Familiar, World Bank Vice President for the Caribbean and Latin America, Mrs Nadine Maitland, Programme Director, BSc in Animation Production and Development and Ms. Jenice Lynch, Subject Leader for Animation. Mr Familiar and a delegation from the World Bank toured the UTech, Jamaica Digital Animation Lab on Thursday, November 8, 2018.