UTech Annual Report 2018-19

Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 43 Journal of Arts Science and Technology (JAST) Volume 11 Number 2 of the University’s peer- reviewed Journal of Arts Science and Technology (JAST) was published in November 2018 and Volume 11 Number 2 in March 2019. The journal is available in print and online on EBSCOhost, and the University’s website. Membership of the journal’s International Editorial Advisory Board was increased to 21 and now comprises of seven distinguished scholars/researchers from five countries. Entrepreneurship and Project Management A number of consultancy, capacity-building and/or research projects were handled by the SGSRE during the period under review. These included: - Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) consultancy for the update of the Multi- Hazard Contingency Planning. Consultants from the College of Business andManagement (COBAM) and Faculty of the Built Environment submitted to the CTTO for review, a draft of the Hazard Risk Manual Guide for the Caribbean Tourism Sector. - Economic Impact Study undertaken by consultants in COBAM, this consultancy involved an economic impact study 2015/16 and 2016/17 for the Norman Manley International Airport. The final Report has been submitted and accepted by the Client. - Government of Barbados, Ministry of Education, Technology, Vocational &Training. This consultancy involved an assessment of the Apprenticeship and Internship Systems in Barbados. Two members of the four-member team undertaking the project are from UTech, Jamaica (Dr. Audrey Thomas and Mrs. La-Cresha Gordon-Brydson). - “None in Three (Ni3)” Research Project – College of Health Sciences. The University partnered with the None in Three (Ni3) Research Centre at the University of Huddersfield, UK, for research and development of pro-social computer games for the prevention of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) among children and young people. A four-year contract was signed to implement the project in Jamaica which is being managed Dr. Christine Fray-Aiken, Project Country Director from the College of Health Sciences. The Ni3 is a global research centre established in October 2017 with satellite offices conducting projects in China, India, Jamaica and Uganda. - “Saturday University” – Department of Footnotes : BBC -Books/Book Chapters; PRJP -Peer-reviewed Journal Papers; CAAP - Conference Abstracts/Presentations/Proceedings; E -Exhibitions. Journal of Arts Science and Technology (JAST) Volume 11 Number 2 of the University’s peer-reviewed Journal of Arts Science and Technology (JAST) was published in November 2018 and Volume 11 Number 2 in March 2019. The journal is available in print and online on EBSCOhost, and the University’s website. Membership of th journal’s International Editorial Advisory Board was i creased to 21 and now comprises of seven distinguished scholars/researchers from five countries. Entrepreneurship and Project Management A number of consultancy, capacity-building and/or research projects were handled by the SGSRE during the period under review. These included: - Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) consultancy for the update of the Multi-Hazard Contingency Planning. Consultants from the College of Business and Management (COBAM) and F aculty of the Built Environment submitted to the CTTO for review , a draft of the Hazard Risk Manual Guide for the Caribbean Tourism Sector. - Economic Imp ct Study undertake n by consultants in COBAM, this consultancy involved an economic impact study 2015/16 and 2016/17 for the Norman Manley International Airport. The final Report has been submitted and accepted by the C lient. 0 1 4 4 1 7 13 13 9 8 12 14 7 13 11 41 42 59 37 45 23 19 50 52 5 9 12 23 16 63 65 98 27 33 99 91 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2007' 2008' 2009' 2010' 2011' 2012' 2013' 2014' 2015' 2016' 2017' 2018' NUMBER OF PUBLICATIONS YEAR Figure 1: Total number of publications by the University by Type from 2007-2018 BBC PRJP CAPP E