UTech Annual Report 2018-19

Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 42 Other support provided to staff members through the RDF included: payment of publications fees; research capacity building; support for hosting conferences; and support to offset the cost of research to publish books. To further promote and increase the research output of the University, a research incentive of US$250 was introduced for each research paper published in a peer-reviewed journal by staff members. Lunchtime Research Conversations The SGSRE hosted a series of informal research-related sessions titled “ Lunchtime Conversations, Research at Work, Voices of Experience ”. A number of experienced researchers, including President, Professor Stephen Vasciannie, made presentations on their research engagement and in particular: how they select and develop research project ideas; writing research proposals; getting grant funding; doing research alongside other work responsibilities; working with a research group; writing research papers and getting published; and the practical applicability of their research. . The series formed part of the School’s ongoing efforts to build research capacity among staff and to promote and increase research output at the University. The sessions were held in both Kingston and Montego Bay. Staff Publication Staff publication output for the period 2007-2018 is shown in Figure 1 below: Footnotes : BBC -Books/Book Chapters; PRJP - Peer-reviewed Journal Papers; CAAP - Conference Abstracts/Presentations/Proceedings; E -Exhibitions. SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES, RESEARCH AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Cont’d. Students interact with an exhibit at Research, Technology and Innovation Day.