UTech Annual Report 2018-19

DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES AND REGISTRY, OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Cont’d. Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 24 Mr. Craig McNally. See photographs 5 & 6. The final forum for the year was held on February 28, 2019. The focus was on safety and security. Freshmen received a presentation on how to remain safe while on and off campus. Also, they saw practical self-defence demonstrations. The presenter was Captain Robert Hibbert. LINX Peer Counsellors On October 15, 2018, the LINX Peer Counsellors participated in a training session. There were 24 students in attendance, and they engaged with topics such as confidentiality, basic counselling skills and techniques, and self-care. The training was coordinated by Mrs. Marlene Pottinger-Gyles, Counsellor. On January 25, 2019, Mrs. Marlene Pottinger Gyles conducted Peer Counselling Training at theWestern Campus. Eight (8) students participated in the training. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ OFFICE Academic Year 2018/19 A total of 148 international students registered for courses of study during the period April 2018- March 2019, comprising 143 full-time students, and 5 franchise students. International Students’ Reception The annual welcome reception for international students was held on September 19, 2018. The reception provided positive interaction between UTech, Jamaica staff and the students. International Day International Day was held on February 14, 2019. This event is organized each year to showcase the different cultures of countries represented on the Campus. Students from nine (9) countries participated in the event. Persons attending got a chance to learn about other countries’ culture and to sample food and drink from the countries represented. FYE Ambassadors, (L-R) Chevaughn Beckford (back), Aldean Johnson, AkeemMcFarlane, Kahlil Hutchinson and Renneil Wint, posing with D’Angel (centre)