UTech Annual Report 2018-19

DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES AND REGISTRY, OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Cont’d. Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 20 Table 6 below outlines the breakdown of local and international students per hall for the 2018/9 academic year. Table 6: Local and International Students per Hall for the A/Y 2018/2019 Hall of Residence Local Students International Students Total Hall A 42 4 46 Hall B 42 2 44 Hall E 42 5 47 Hall F 39 4 43 Farquharson 148 0 148 Garvey 131 0 131 Dennis Johnson 33 1 34 TOTAL 477 16 493 Whilst the halls capacity is 476 residents, a total of 493 residents were housed for the 2018/9 academic year. This increase resulted from some students exiting the halls after semester 1; these vacancies were filled from students’ application for semester 2 boarding. Halls of Residence Scholarship Programme The Halls of Residence Scholarship awardees for the 2018/9 academic year were Kahlil Hutchinson, Santana Broderick, Jeremy Anderson and Trudy-Ann Evans. This scholarship is awarded to a returning student who has achieved a GPA of 2.70 or higher, is involved in hall activities, is from a rural community and upholds the rules and regulations of the Halls of Residence. Selection and interviews were governed by the Scholarship Unit. Developmental Programmes for Resident Students The Unit executed two developmental workshops in collaboration with the Escarpment Road New Testament Church of God and National Tertiary Ministry. The first workshop dubbed “Leadership 101” was held on Saturday, September 1, 2018, in LT4, with 65 student leaders in attendance. The second workshop dubbed “Discovering the Best Me” was held September 15, 2018 at the Papine Campus and was geared towards first year students;152 new residents attended. Both workshops were conducted by Reverend Dr. Stephenson Samuels and Mr. Jermaine Lawrence. Halls of Residence Dinner& Awards 2018 The resident life team hosted the annual Halls of Residence Dinner and Awards ceremony on April 8, 2018 in the Alfred Sangter Auditorium. Motivational guest speaker was Miss Krytsal Tomlinson. A total of 35 students were awarded for outstanding contribution in categories including Sports and Leadership, as well as the Resident Manager’s Award for Excellence and Resident Student of the Year. Dr. Andrew Isaacs, (left) Vice Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Computing congratulates O’Shane Murray on his achievement of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering – Power, which he achieved with Credit. O’Shane who is wheelchair bound surmounted the challenges to earn his diploma at the November 2018 Graduation Ceremony.