UTech Annual Report 2018-19

DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES AND REGISTRY, OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Cont’d. Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 18 Bachelor of Pharmacy Post Diploma Online for the first time during the Semester 1, December 2018 examinations. COHS Practical Examinations Practical examinations for Parasitology & Virology (MET 4027), Histotechnology 1 (MET2016) and Medical Microbiology, for COHS were held between December 17-20, 2018, which was outside of the official examination period. This was done to alleviate the clashes that the students experienced with these modules for final examinations. This recommendation was approved by Academic Board. Graduation Ceremony Instead of a single graduation ceremony held customarily at the National Arena, the University hosted two graduation ceremonies at the Alfred Sangster Auditorium, Papine Campus on November 3 and 4, 2018. Graduates presented on November 3 were from Joint Colleges of Medicine, Oral Health and Veterinary Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Computing and the Faculty of Law. Graduates presented on November 4 were from College of Business and Management, Faculty of Science and Sport, Faculty of The Built Environment and Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies. Approximately 400 graduates attended the graduation ceremony on November 3, while 620 graduates attended on November 4. The ceremonies were well attended with over 1,100 guests each day. The selected Valedictorian for Saturday’s graduation ceremony was Ms. Ashley Desgoutte from the College of Health Sciences. The Valedictorian for Sunday’s graduation ceremony was Mr. Raheem Bishop, an international student from the Faculty of The Built Environment. Annual Student Leadership Conference The Student Services Department, hosted the 20th Annual Student Leadership Conference under the theme “Pioneering Past; Bright Future, A New A section of the Graduating Class of 2018 at the Alfred Sangster Auditorium, Papine Campus.