UTech Annual Report 2018-19

Academic Staff Representative Faculty of Law Mrs. Shauna-Kaye Smith Academic Staff Representative Joint Colleges of medicine, Oral Health & Veterinary Sciences Miss Valerie McKenzie Academic Staff Representative College of Health Sciences Dr. Christine Fray-Aiken Academic Staff Representative Faculty of Science and Sport Dr. Debbie Devonish President’s Nominees College of Business and Management Mrs. Myrtle Weir Faculty of Law Mrs. Marcia Robinson Legal Counsel & Governance Officer Ms. Lisamae Gordon Chief Operational and Projects Officer Ms. Genefa Hibbert Co-Opted Members Mr. Aldrick McNab Rev. Clinton Chisholm Professors Professor Fitzroy Henry Professor Vernon Buchanan Professor Winston Davidson Student Representative Mr. Kahlil Hutchison, 1 st Vice President Academic Affairs, Students’ Union University Registrar/Secretary to Council & Academic Board Mrs. Mercedes Deane OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY Chancellor The Most Hon. Edward Seaga, ON, PC Pro-Chancellor Mr. Richard Powell Honorary Treasurer Hon. Shirley Tyndall, OJ President Professor Stephen Vasciannie, CD Deputy President Professor Colin Gyles Vice President, Development and Community Service Professor Rosalea Hamilton Vice President, Student Services & University Registrar Dr. Elaine Wallace (Tenure ended September 2017) Mrs. Mercedes Deane (Appointed wef September 2017) Chief Business and Finance Officer Mr. Paul Brissett University Librarian Mr. David Drysdale University Orator Mrs. Pamela Kelly VICE-PRESIDENTS Associate Professor & Vice President, Planning and Operations Dr. Kofi Nkrumah-Young Chief Human Resource Officer Mr. Maurice Lewin (Appointed August 3, 2017) ASSOCIATE VICE-PRESIDENTS Associate Vice President, Quality Assurance Dr. Winsome Russell Associate Vice President, Advancement Mr. Hector Wheeler Associate Vice President, Distance Learning Dr. Jeanette Bartley-Bryan Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning Dr. Haldane Johnson Associate Vice President, Graduate Studies Research & Entrepreneurship Dr. Paul Ivey DEANS College of Business & Management Professor Paul Golding, J.P. College of Health Sciences Dr. Janet Campbell Shelly Joint Colleges of Medicine, Oral Health and Veterinary Sciences Dr. Irving McKenzie (interim) Dr. Su Yin Htun (Acting, from November 2018) Faculty of Education & Liberal Studies Associate Professor Rohan Lewis Faculty of Engineering & Computing Professor Nilza Aples Faculty of Law Mrs. Marcia Robinson (Acting up to October 2018 ) Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa (appointed, wef October 2018) Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 169 Appendices