UTech Annual Report 2018-19

Accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 University of Technology, Jamaica 15 President and Deputy President was established by the Council on September 17, 2019 in keeping with the provision of the University of Technology, Jamaica Act (No 27 of 1999), Statute IV and Ordinance 2006/27: Search, Selection, Appointment, Evaluation and Reappointment of President and Ordinance 2014/28: Search, Selection, Appointment and Reappointment of Deputy President. Four members of the Academic Board were selected by the Board on November 22, 2018 to serve as its representatives on the Committee. The Council at its meeting on December 10, 2018 appointed its four representatives. Tenure of Council & Academic Board Members Filling of Casual Vacancies Miss Tia Ferguson and Mr. Kahlil Hutchinson, incoming Students’ Union President and 1st Vice President Academic Affairs took up seats on the Council and the Academic Board respectively. Mrs. Bridget Johnson- Smith replaced Mrs. Stancy Mighty-Dixon ass the UAWU Nominee for Technical and Ancillary Staff. Reverend Clinton Chisholm attended his first meeting of the Academic Board in August 2018 in the capacity as Co-opted Member. He filled the casual vacancy which was created by the resignation of Dr Wayne Wesley. In keeping with the requirement of the UTech, Jamaica Act newmembers of Council and the Academic Board were duly appointed by the Cabinet through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information and by the Pro-Chancellor respectively. Preparation for end of Tenure of Council The Council had been appointed by the Minister of Education, Youth and Information for a period of three years which ended on May 8, 2019. Steps were taken by the Council Membership Selection Committee to address this matter and present the listing of the ex-officio, nominated, elected and co-opted members to the Minister for appointment. L-R: Mrs Mercedes Deane, Professor Stephen Vasciannie, Dr. Keith Amiel, Ms Dorcas White, Mr. Richard Powell, and the Most Hon. Edward Seaga.