UTech, Ja Annual Report 2017-18

University of Technology, Jamaica “Pioneering Past; Bright Future ” ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 48 DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT FINANCING Cont’d. to rub shoulders with key industry players and culinary trail blazers in the field. Sponsorship The University has formed a number of collaborative partnerships with public and private sector entities; both locally and internationally; to secure sponsorship for students to fund tuition and other school related expenses. Sponsorships are not academic awards; instead they are given for the most part, as a form of social intervention through a government agency/department; or as employee/employer support from a Private Sector firm. At the close of the 2017/18 fiscal year, the total value of sponsorship was just under $1.18 Billion Dollars ($1,175,753,716.00); received by 4079 students from 192 public and private sector entities. Of the 192 sponsors, 11 are international sponsors providing financial assistance for international students; at a cost of approximately $55 Million Dollars ($55,188,331.00). 60  Sponsorship  The University has formed a number of collaborative partnerships with public and private sector entities;  both locally and internationally; to secure sponsorship for students to fund tuition and other school related  expenses. Sponsorships are not academic awards; instead they are given for the most part, as a form of social  i tervention through a governme t agency/department; or as employee/employer support from a Private  Sector firm. At the close of the 2017/18 fiscal year, the total value of sponsorship was just under $1.18 Billion  Dollars ($1,175,753,716.00 ); received by 4079 students from 192 public and private sector entities. Of the  192 sponsors, 11 are int rnational sponsors pro idi g financial assista ce f r international students; at a cost  of approximately $55 Million Dollars ($55,188,331.00). Table 1.2 Comparative Analysis of Sponsorship Income  Sponsorship Categories  Sponsorship Value (JA$)  Percentage   (%)  No. of  Sponsors  No. of  Students  17/18  16/17  17/18  16/17  Students' Loan Bureau (SLB)  1  3176  1,010,693,694  1,167,478,340  86  84                                       Government  of Jamaica (GOJ)  66  562  80,929,716  104,178,243  6.9  7.5  Local Private  114  288  28,941,975  34,967,052  2.4  2.5  International  11   53  55,188,331  79,931,373  4.7  6  GRAND TOTAL  192  4079  $1,175,753,716  $1,386,555,008  100  100  Sponsorship Income & Impact  A comparative analysis between 2017/18 and 2016/17 in Table 1.2 (above) indicates a noticeable decrease in  overall sponsorship levels of approximately 15% in value of sponsorship support provided for students; with  the SLB being the only exception.  Quite noteworthy is the fact that the SLB provided the largest level of  sponsorship, representing 86% of total sponsorship income for 2017/18. Other governmental sponsors  provided approximately 7% while international sponsors provided 5% of total sponsorship income.   Earn and Study Programme