UTech, Ja Annual Report 2017-18

University of Technology, Jamaica “Pioneering Past; Bright Future ” ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 46 DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT FINANCING Cont’d. Halls of Residence Scholarship The University’s Accommodation Office launched its inaugural Halls of Residence Scholarship in October 2017. Three awards were offered valuing a total of $300,000.00. This need-based Scholarship sought to reward outstanding boarding students who made significant contributions to resident life, were actively involved in co-curricular activities and who achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA. The Scholarship Presentation was held at the Technology and Innovation Centre, at the Papine Campus. The Norma Shirley Memorial Scholarship T h e N o r ma Shirley Memorial Scholarship was es tab l i shed i n November 2011 as a commemoration of the life and work of the Late Norma Shirley. The award covers full tuition for a first year Food Service Management student who displays great culinary potential and demonstrates the quintessential ingredients which are in keeping with the image and reputation of the renowned culinary artist, Norma Shirley. To date, a total of $2,646,510.00 has been donated from this generous benefactor though this scholarship. Jamaica Observer Table Talk Scholarships & Awards Scholarships Awarded - The relationship between the University and the Jamaica Observer began in 2011 with one full scholarship for a final year student in SHTM. Over the years that partnership has grown and blossomed into a multifaceted scholarship programme with several components: Scholarship Awards, Foodie Felecia Forde, 3rd year Food Service Management (3rd from left), the current Norma Shirley Scholar, receives a cheque for $429,600.00 from Mr Delius Shirley to cover her tuition fees for Academic Year 2017-2018 from Delius Shirley, son of Norma Shirley. Looking on are the other scholarship recipients, Karah McDeen, 3rd year Food Service Management student and Tena Harrison.