UTech, Jamaica 2016-17 Annual Report

University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017 Page 6 Excellence Through Knowledge CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE Perhaps the truism for which I am most often quoted is “It Takes cash to care”. However, the phrase expresses a fact so self-evident I should not be given any special credit for pointing it out. It is true for individuals, families, institutions. In the past UTech, Jamaica was favoured for the cheaper cost of education and the fact that it facilitated working people by offering evening classes. Before semesterisation they used to be called part-time students. While it is true to say that nothing is cheap any longer, the statistics show that more and more would-be students are finding tuition prohibitive. As the institution has expanded, its growth has not been planned to meet the higher expenditure that expansion demands. It depends on the funds of students and a significant government subsidy to cover its expenses. However, the subsidy provided by government is being reduced annually at a greater rate than the increase in tuition because there is no space in the campus to build more accommodation for an increase in the number of students which could be attracted. And it is evident that higher fees are not within the reach of the majority of prospective UTech, Jamaica students even if they could be convinced that they would be getting value for that money. The University has initiated a number of entrepreneurial schemes and units in the search for ways to subsidise the operation, but the institution still faces an awesome gap between income and need. A gap large enough to prejudice the existence of the institution. First and foremost among these needs is the problem of losing staff and failure to attract new staff because of insufficient funds to provide increased salaries for those already employed and for recruitment of new staff to replace those who have left and are leaving. Then there is the Department of Sport, the Home of World Class Athletes. It is unacceptable that a University which wins more medals in track and field at the Olympics and World Championships than any other in the world should be given inadequate support to continue the work it is doing. Or even just to keep its track and field in decent order. But alas, as it ever shall be: It takes cash to care. I am heartened to see that the University has taken steps to identify areas where it may be able to develop long-term mega income-generating initiatives through research and innovation. Specifically, UTech, Ja has been generating a lot of energy in the field of energy. Also, the new President has rebutted the idea that as a university of technology the institution should forego offering lucrative programmes which are not STEM driven. Indeed it is obvious that we need to develop even more lucrative academic offerings in all fields of knowledge so that we can live up to the motto “Excellence through Knowledge” The Most Honourable Edward Seaga ON, PC