UTech, Jamaica 2016-17 Annual Report

University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017 Page 5 Excellence Through Knowledge The University of Technology, Jamaica occupies a special place in the national consciousness. Known for its work-ready graduates, its technical orientation and its commitment to community service, the almost 60-year old institution is now challenged to grow further to play an even greater role in preparing citizens for national development. With a dynamic new President, teamed with a new Pro-Chancellor, the university enters a new life cycle. Professor Vasciannie brings to the task of moving the university forward, an emphasis on increased scholarship and a higher academic profile. Institutional accreditation, staff upgrading, greater emphasis on innovative research and regular publishing is where he has set his sights. And he has promised an administration grounded in the principles of inclusiveness, transparency, fairness and justice. While fully accepting the principle that science must be infused with art within a teaching/learning institution, our administration is still very concerned at the low proportion of students pursuing STEM- related subjects, and we continue to look to UTech, Ja. to play a leading role in STEM education. We pledge all possible and available support to UTech, Jamaica as it enters this new era of renewal and growth. Senator The Hon. Ruel Reid, CD, JP Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information Page 5 Message from the Minister of Education, Youth and Information