UTech, Jamaica 2016-17 Annual Report

University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017 Page 192 Excellence Through Knowledge P Barrett · Andre Jones · Kavian Cooke · Charles Douglas · Robert Gregory · Gossett Oliver · Tashana Briscoe · Dwayne Gutzmer · Ishenkumba Kahwa · Rudolph Thomas · Monique Savage (2016) Discussion Paper and Priority Recommendations; Technology Innovation Productivity Committee LMRC , Technical report Affiliation: Public Sector Productivity Working Group, Labour Market Reform Commission, Technology, Innovation & Productivity Committee • W. Moore, M. Korkeakoski, J. Luukkanen, L. Alleyne, A. Abdulkadri, N. Brown, T. Chambers, D. Diaz, A. Evans, S. McKenzie, D. Reid, L. Vázquez Seisdedos, “Identifying Inconsistencies in Long-Run Development Plans: The Case of Barbados’ Vision for Energy Development.” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • N. Spencer, A. Evans, A. Abdulkadri, S. McKenzie, T. Chambers, N. Brown, D. Reid, M. Korkeakoski, J. Luukkanen, W. Moore, L. Alleyne, Y. Majanne, O. C. Luis Vazquez, “From Vision to Reality: A Backcasting Model of Jamaica’s Renewable Energy Target” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • T.V. Chambers, J. Luukanen, D. O. Reid, N. Brown, A. Abdulkahdri, A. Evans, S. Mckenzie, M. Korkeakoski, W. Moore, L. Vazquez Seisdedos, Y. Majanne, L. Alleyne, “Jamaica’s energy future: Meeting 2030 target?” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • L. M. Del Pino Caro1, M. Korkeakoski, L. Vazquez, N. Stenholm, J. Luukkanen, Y. Majanne, D. De La Rosa, W. Moore, T. Chambers, A. Abdulkadri, N. Brown, A. Evans, S. McKenzie, N. Spencer, D. Reid, D. Diaz. “Future energy development in Cuba. Scenarios for assessing the alternative economic development paths.” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • W. Moore, M. Korkeakoski, J. Luukkanen, L. Alleyne, A. Abdulkadri, N. Brown, T. Chambers, D. Diaz, A. Evans, S. McKenzie, D. Reid, L. Vázquez Seisdedos, “ Identifying Inconsistencies in Long-Run Development Plans: The Case of Barbados’ Vision for Energy Development.” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • N. Spencer, A. Evans, A. Abdulkadri, S. McKenzie, T. Chambers, N. Brown, D. Reid, M. Korkeakoski, J. Luukkanen, W. Moore, L. Alleyne, Y. Majanne, O. C. Luis Vazquez, “ From Vision to Reality: A Backcasting Model of Jamaica’s Renewable Energy Target ” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • T. V. Chambers, J. Luukanen, D. O. Reid, N. Brown, A. Abdulkahdri, A. Evans, S. McKenzie, M. Korkeakoski, W. Moore, L. Vazquez Seisdedos, Y. Majanne, L. Alleyne, “Jamaica’s Energy Future: Meeting 2030 Target?” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • L. M. Del Pino Caro1, M. Korkeakoski, L. Vazquez, N. Stenholm, J. Luukkanen, Y. Majanne, D. De La Rosa, W. Moore, T. Chambers, A. Abdulkadri, N. Brown, A. Evans, S. McKenzie, N. Spencer, D. Reid, D. Diaz. “ Future energy development in Cuba. Scenarios for assessing the alternative economic development paths . ” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • A. Abdulkahdri, S. Mckenzie, A. Evans, T. V. Chambers, J. Luukanen, D. O. Reid, N. Brown, M. Korkeakoski, W. Moore, L. Vazquez Seisdedos, Y. Majanne, L. Alleyne, O. Costa, “Renewable Energy Development in Jamaica: A Case for Reducing CO2 Emissions.” FIE2016, Santiago de Cuba, 21-24 de Junio 2016. • Campbell, T. R. & Akinladejo, F.O., (2016). No Place to Hide A Review of Privacy Towards a Safer Internet of Things. International Conference on Internet Computing and Internet of Things, ICOMP ’16 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND SPORT • J. Murray, D. Picking, A. Lamm , J. McKenzie, S. Hartley, C. Watson, L. Williams, H. Lowe, R. Delgoda. Significant inhibitory impact of dibenzyl trisulfide and extracts of Petiveria alliacea on the activities of major drug- metabolizing enzymes in vitro: An assessment of the potential for medicinal plant-drug interactions. Fitoterapia 2016, 111, 138–146. • H. I. C. Lowe, D. Daley, C. Watson, S. Powell, K. N. N. Ayeah, N. J. Toyang, J. Bryant, and A. S. Lamm . Anticancer activity of three Jamaican macroalgae against prostate, pancreatic and skin cancers. European Journal of Medicinal Plants . 2016, 13, 1-5. • CA Waugh , JF Lindo, JM Lorenzo-Morales, RD Robinson. An epidemiological study of A. can- tonensis in Jamaica subsequent to an outbreak of human cases of eosinophilic meningitis in 2000. Parasitology. 2016 Aug;143(9):1211-7 Appendices