UTech, Jamaica 2016-17 Annual Report

University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017 Page 190 Excellence Through Knowledge • Prevent i on And Ea r l y Detec t i on Of Ora l Cancer With Cur rent Diagnos ti c Too ls (abstract 1025) has been accepted for Oral Presentation at the 2017 FDI World Dental Congress to be held in Madrid, Spain, 29 August – 1 September 2017. Dr. Su Hin Htun, Dr. Irving McKenzie et al. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT • Sinclair-Maragh, G. (2016). Climate Change and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Developing Countries. In Climate Change and the 2030 Corporate Agenda for Sustainable Development (pp. 7-24). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. • Walters, N. H., & Cassel, S. H. (2016). Still a White Paradise? Photographic Representations of Jamaica as a Tourism Destination. Tourism Culture & Communication, 16(1-2), 59-73. • Sinclair-Maragh, G. (2016). Demographic analysis of residents’ support for tourism development in Jamaica. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH TECHNOLOGY Papers Delivered at Conferences/Professional Meetings. • Impact of Climate Change on Health in Jamaica, JOURNAL CLUB PRESENTATIONS, April 07, 2016. UTech, Jamaica • “Climate Change and Health: Vulnerability and Adaptation Needs” Jamaica Institution of Engineers’ Conference: “Engineering a Pathway to Resilience & Prosperity”. Jamaica Institution of Engineers. Kingston, Jamaica. September 20, 2016. • Dental Medical Waste: The neglected waste disease. Dental Scientific Symposium. October 20-22 at Knutsford Court Hotel. Organized by College of Oral Health Sciences • Best practices approach to medical waste management in dental and medical offices. Health Sector in the Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Organized by PAHO/WHO. Kingston, Jamaica. 18-19 October 2016 • Climate Change and Health. Presented at Research, Technology & Innovation Day. March 30, 2017. UTECH , Jamaica • Water and Sanitation in Disasters. MPH students at Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, University of the West Indies On-going Research Projects • Real Water consumption for domestic, commercial and industrial consumers. There are not reliable figures on water consumption in planning and design of infrastructure. NWC uses information from other countries that not necessarily are applicable to Jamaica, due to different contexts. Data from NWC commercial department is nbeing used to determine the real water consumption in Hospitals, health centres, schools, etc. The results will allow us to optimize the economic and technical resources available in Jamaica. • Impact of air pollution on mental health (depression). Literature research will be reviewed to find out if air pollution impacts on mental health and to determine if this is relevant for Jamaica. • Health Impacts by Climate Change. The documents prepared for the first and second Communication Reports to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change were limited on the impacts of climate change to health. Vector and water borne diseases were discussed. The present epidemiological profile indicates that chorinc diseases play an important role. Therefore there is a need to focus in how climate change is going to impact on the determinants of health and in chronic diseases. • Natural Hazards Triggering Technological Disasters (NATECH) and Estimation of Public Health Disruptions in Jamaica. Not enough emphasis is given to the impacts of disasters due to hazardous chemical sites. The research assesses NATECHs and estimates Public Health Disruption. • Climate Change and Its Impact on Oral Health. Oral health has not received enough attention from climate change impacts. We believe that Oral Health will receive a secondary impact due to the affectation of poverty and food security. • Finding a simple measure for Chronic Diseases: Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol. Many persons are suffering from a chronic diseases without knowing it. This is the result of the lack of access to health care and awareness in complement with the way these diseases are presented. They are considered as silent killers. Data from different health community surveys will be studied to determine if waist size Appendices