UTech, Jamaica 2016-17 Annual Report

University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017 Page 8 Excellence Through Knowledge Caribbean School of Architecture. • A Green Roof experiment in which potted plants are used to reduce the indoor temperature of a slab roof in Portmore. • The application of technology and environmental practices to enhance urban regeneration, forest management and cultural value of the Caribbean. • The Impact of Climate Change on Health. Research Day was also an opportunity to demonstrate that UTech, Jamaica embraces both technology and the humanities. We recognize that the liberal arts, business management, the law, must also explore the nature of the society in which we live and provide an understanding of the context in which our technology operates. So, for example, as we assess the science of medical marijuana, our lawyers must help us to understand whether our current ganja decriminalization rules are coherent and consistent with international norms; and our business lecturers should help us to assess the economics of our current marijuana regime. By the same token, we should note the immense value to social understanding we derive from informed, research-based analysis from UTech, Ja. lecturers such as Professor Fitzroy Henry in the area of Public Health and nutrition. The possibilities and the value of cross-fertilisation in all three areas of university activity, research, teaching and social outreach will expand our own knowledge and our contribution to our society. Constant research much be bolstered by constant publication so that the new knowledge created is disseminated widely and in good time. Several initiatives to move this agenda forward are already on the table for execution or consideration, among them: • a peer-reviewed journal published three or four times per year; • financial incentives for persons who publish articles in peer-reviewed journals or scholarly books; • a UTech, Ja. University Press, in order to increase the avenues for scholarly publications for academics in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. These efforts have one general purpose: to engender a culture of publishing according to which promotion within the academic ranks is largely dependent on scholarly work. Enhancing the university’s reputation for scholarship should bring its own reward. It is public knowledge that UTech’s salaries compare unfavourably with other tertiary institutions, which may account for difficulty in attracting staff. It is also public knowledge that the insistence by previous administrations on faculty upgrading to terminal degrees became a point of some contention. Terminal degrees are an indication not only of self-actualisation, but also of achievement or accomplishment in a particular field. For UTech, Jamaica to take its place at the top tier of regional universities there is no question that it must increase the percentage of faculty members with terminal degrees. Institutional Accreditation I know that one of the issues of deep concern for our students is the matter of accreditation. UTech, Jamaica has applied to the University PRESIDENT’S OVERVIEW Cont’d.