UTech, Jamaica 2015-16 Annual Report

Cooke · Charles Douglas · Robert Gregory · Gossett Oliver · Tashana Briscoe · Dwayne Gutzmer · Ishenkumba Kahwa · Rudolph Thomas · Monique Savage (2016) Discussion Paper and Priority Recommendations; Technology Innovation Productivity Committee LMRC , Technical report Affiliation: Public Sector Productivity Working Group, Labour Market Reform Commission, Technology, Innovation & Productivity Committee • Yakum Reneta Nafu · Josepha Foba-Tendo · Ebenezer Njeugna · Gossett Oliver · Kavian Omar Cooke , 2015 , Extraction and Characterization of Fibres from the Stalk and Spikelets of Empty Fruit Bunch Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume, 2015 Hindawi Publishing Corporation • N. Sinclair, D.D. Muir, T. Chambers, “Investigating the relationship between light transmittance, dissipation factor (tan) and transformer oil quality,” in SoutheastCon 2015, vol., no., pp.1-6, 9-12 April 2015. • D. Reid, “EMS Control of Reduced Energy Storage Capacity for Ramp Rate Support to Improve Frequency Regulation in Islanded Microgrid” SoutheastCon 2016, Norfolk, VA, 2016. • D. Reid , “DQ rotating frame PI control algorithm for power inverter voltage regulation modelling and simulation using the OpenModelica Platform”; SoutheastCon 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2015, pp. 1-4. • N. Maitland and Collaborators Published an Article on Security in Social Networking Services: The topic; A Value-Focused Thinking Exploration in Understanding Users’ Privacy and Security Concerns (March 2016) http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/ CzKYT5Ij9IdGJTGAnwGI/full. • Dr S. Bogle’s first book chapter entitled; Using Hurst Exponent and Machine Learning to Build a Predictive Model for the Jamaica Frontier Market was published in Springer’s 2016 edited book Transactions on Engineering Technologies . • Bogle, S. Dr (2016) ; Sentiment Analysis of Consumers’ Perceptions on Social Media about the Main Mobile Providers in Jamaica appears in the Proceedings of the ICMLB 2016: 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Bioinformatics. (February2016) Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies Conference Presentations • Gareth Phillips , “Pre-Service Teachers’ Use of Meta-Cognition and Theory of the Mind to Enhance their Own Learning” • Simon M. Yalams, Cynthia Onyefulu , Shermaine Barrett “Active Learning and Assessment Strategies in STEM Classrooms” • Grace Hughes , moderator, Gender-based Education: How Boys Learn • Cynthia Onyefulu , moderator, “The Socio- Economic Equality and its Impact on Brain Development and Learning” Jamaica Teacher’s Association (JTA) Education Conference, April 8-10, 2015 • Shermaine Barrett “ Qualitative Research Within the Context of a Technical University: Perspective of Members of Faculty” at Qualitative Report 7th Annual Conference in Fort Lauderdale, January 14 -15, 2016 • Martin J. Schade “ The Moral Compass in Discovering Ubuntu ” at the UBUNTU Seminar and Workshop “Transforming Lives, Changing Communities”, December 14, 2015. • Mariana González “Foreign- Languages Teachers and students’ perceptions on Social Media and its influence on teaching and learning foreign languages in a university context” presented at the Twenty Second International Conference on Learning at the Universidad San Pablo, Madrid in July 9-11, 2015. • Rachelle Mcfarlane - “ The extent to which tertiary level institutions facilitate persons with mobile disability” • Shermaine Barrett - “Does school climate make a difference in school performance ” • Stephen Wallder - “ Dissecting the relationship between mathematics and English outcomes and student progress in business education courses” • Genevieve Shaw - “ The effects of middle leadership on school improvement in selected Jamaican high schools” • Presentations to the National Conference on Educational Leadership and Management held from August 20 - 21, 2015. Conference Chair - Carmel Roofe-Bowen Journals • Kevon R. McNuff, Faculty of Engineering, Simon M. Yalams (FELS) Comparative Analysis of Two Instructional Strategies and Their Impacts on Selected University Engineering APPENDICES University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2015-2016 Page 175