UTech, Jamaica 2015-16 Annual Report

Caribbean School Of Nursing Senior Lecturer Dr. Adella Campbell (Head of School) Lecturers Miss Andrea Atterbury Ms. Anthonette Patterson Abuka Usman Mrs. Binol Balanchandar Ms. Deveree Stewart ( resigned Aug 2016) Mr. Christopher Ekpo Mrs. Keron Jones-Fraser Ms. Paula Robinson Miss Paulette Larmond Dr. Pauline Weir (Appointed Aug. 2015) Miss Lisa Mcdonald Mrs. Marjorie Ming Mrs. Alta Mowatt Mrs. Sylvia Morgan Mrs. Andrea Pusey-Murray Miss Vivette Tulloch Mr. David Udo Mrs. Kerisha Gooden-Gordon Miss Andrea Woolcock (appointed August 2016) Mrs. Denise Walters Miss Sophia Smith Mrs. Lorna Calder (Appointed Aug. 2015) Miss Michelle Hodges (Appointed Aug. 2015) Mrs. Lischelle Crew-Chattoo (appointed August 2016) Racquel Burton-Edwards (appointed August 2016) School of Allied Health and Wellness Senior Lecturers Mr. Greg-Louis Austin ( Head of School) Mrs. Sheerin Eyre Dr. Stephanie Corinthian-Reid Lecturers Mrs. Leena Desari Dr. Christine Fray-Aiken Mrs. Tracey Falconer ( Resigned Aug 2015) Mrs. Nola Hill-Berry Mr. Michael Lee Miss Marion Mclarty Miss Gillian Mignott Mrs. Karyl Powell-Booth (study leave from Sept. 2015) Miss Patrice Reid Mrs. Ava Simpson Miss Kerry Weatherly Mr. Maeton Sylvester (Pro-Rated) Mrs. Lois Rainford (Pro-Rated) Mrs. Joan Rhule Dr. Sonia Richards-Malcolm Mrs. Nellian Hutton-Rose Mrs. Vanessa White-Barrow Mrs. Primla Williamson-Munroe Mr. Meredith Williams Mrs. Janice Wissart Professor Fitzroy Henry Dr. Denise Daley-Beckford Mrs. Therrian Davis ( appointed Aug. 2016) Miss Trina Muir School of Pharmacy Senior Lecturer Dr. Sean Moncrieffe (Head of School) Lecturers Mrs. Simone Badal-Mccreath (Pro-Rated) Dr. Janice Bunting-Clarke Dr. Juliette Gordon Mrs. Novlette Mattis-Robinson Mrs. Yvonne Reid Miss Tieca Harris ( Appointed Aug. 2015) Miss Stephanie Mullings Dr. Ernestine Roberts-Watson (Pro-rated) Dr. Janette Stewart ( resigned August 2015) Miss Judy Thomas Dr. Cameil Wilson-Clarke ( resigned August 2015) Mrs. Donna-Marie Wynter-Adams Ms. Bridgette Moodie-Henry Miss Nickania Pryce ( Appointed Aug. 2016) Mrs. Abayomi Modupeola ( Appointed Aug. 2016) Mrs. Sereta Campbell-Elliott (Appointed Aug. 2016) Dr. Tonoya Toyloy (Aug. 2015) Dr. Lisa Bromfield (Appointed Aug. 2016) Assistant Lecturers Mr. Rasheed Perry Miss Lisa Scarlett Mr. Jesse Clarke (Appointed Aug. 2016) Mrs. Belinda Griffiths-Bernard (Appointed Aug. 2015) FACULTY OF EDUCATION & LIBERAL STUDIES School of Technical & Vocational Education Professor Dr. Simon Yalams APPENDICES University of Technology, Jamaica ANNUAL REPORT 2015-2016 Page 163