UTech, Jamaica and CMU Sign MoU to Drive Research and Collaborative Initiatives

Professor Andrew Spencer (seated left), President, Caribbean Maritime University (CMU), and Dr. Kevin Brown, President, University of Technology, Jamaica, share a handshake following the signing of a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at CMU’s Palisadoes Park campus in Kingston. The MoU will facilitate collaboration between the two universities to enhance research initiatives in STEM education. Witnessing the signing, standing from left, are Mrs. Tesha Walker-Brown, Director, Student Affairs and Deputy Registrar, CMU, and Miss Marion Brown, Vice President and University Registrar, UTech, Jamaica.

The University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech, Jamaica) and the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) have forged a partnership to drive research and development and to foster collaborative initiatives in STEM education. The formal partnership was solidified with the signing of a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at the CMU’s Palisadoes Park campus, Kingston.
The MoU aims to promote joint research, and strengthen university-industry partnerships, while also facilitating the exchange of students, faculty, and internships between the institutions. Its scope includes resource and knowledge sharing, including exploring mutual access to facilities and other resources including classrooms, laboratories, and computer labs.

The universities will focus on collaborative research, particularly in optics, photonics, and related fields, leveraging specialized teaching and learning facilities such as CMU’s Festo Authorized and Certificate Training (FACT) Centre, Centre for Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing (CDIAM), and UTech, Jamaica’s Integrated Optics and Photonics Research Laboratory (IOPRL).

“A Partnership that works for Jamaica”

Dr. Kevin Brown, President, University of Technology, Jamaica, welcoming the partnership, stated, “we are forging a partnership that works for both institutions but, more importantly, works for Jamaica.” As two public universities, Dr. Brown acknowledged the financial challenges both universities face and emphasized the significance of this partnership in maximizing resources and reducing costs.

“This is not just a signing ceremony; we will be putting this MoU to work,” Dr. Brown assured, adding, “we believe that through this MoU, CMU and UTech, Ja. can produce quality research outputs.” He highlighted that joint research initiatives in disciplines such as optics and photonics and other areas, could help address several of Jamaica’s challenges and cultivate innovative, forward-thinking graduates. “Jamaica needs its universities to conduct research because that’s how we’re going to solve the country’s problems,” Dr. Brown said, emphasizing, “there is no shortage of brain talent here.”

Professor Andrew Spencer, President of the Caribbean Maritime University, described the newly forged partnership as “an important moment,” emphasizing the need to “harness the value and resources” that already exist within both universities. “Two of the Caribbean’s power houses in innovation and higher education have come together to transform the region,” said Professor Spencer, noting that this partnership is designed to ensure that, “we have the most cutting-edge solutions to the region’s problems.”

“Today we will send a signal to the world that there is going be an earth shattering, groundbreaking movement that will come from the expertise and resources that already exist,” Professor Spencer noted, adding that “both institutions have phenomenal human resources, and “both institutions have exceptional technological resources.”

He further affirmed, “we are here to transform lives, we are here to transform a nation, we are here to transform a region so that the rest of the world will understand just how innovative Caribbean people are.”

Dr. Kevin Brown (centre) receives a demonstration from Mr. Jeremiah Lindo, Lab Technologist, on the function of one of the robots in the Fully Automated System Lab, part of the Festo Authorized and Certified Training Centre (FACT) at the Caribbean Maritime University Palisadoes Park campus in Kingston on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Also participating in the demonstration is Mr. Maurice McGlashan-Powell, Director of FACT and the Centre for Digital Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing (CDIAM).

FACT Engineers, Mr. Shane Kentish (right) and Mr. Daniel Stevenson (2nd left), demonstrate something of interest in the Electronics/Industrial Drives lab, part of the Festo Authorized and Certified Training Centre (FACT), to Professor Shermaine Barrett (2nd right), Acting Deputy President and Provost, UTech, Jamaica. Also participating in the demonstration, from left, are Mr. Hugh Cargill, Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing, and Mr. Howard Clemetson, Marketing Assistant, UTech, Jamaica.


Michelle Beckford (Mrs.)
Corporate Communications Manager
University of Technology, Jamaica
Telephone: (876) 970-5299
Email: mbeckford@utech.edu.jm